Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Super Productive!


  • GUI
    • New layout.
      • Added player speed.
      • Added HighScore.
    • Buttons have Audio.
  • On Pause
    • Player can edit speed while on a planet.
    • Restart button becomes main menu button.
      • Main menu button scales and grows to fit font.
    • Added Increase and Decrease buttons to GUI.
  • Levels
    • Several new levels have been added.
    • Levels now fade to black between loads.
    • Audio added to planets.
    • Planets now fade from red to blue.
  • Title Screen
    • Added new buttons
      • Start
      • Level Select
      • Options <may change to Upgrades>
      • Exit
    • Added BGM.
A new video will be out soon.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Heads up display

Tywins Hud - still need to add some stuff.
It's weird to think it's only been 8 days since I posted my video talking about Tywins concept. I've managed to achieve so much since then. It really feels like this last week has been a year. I've been waking up, sitting on the computer, working on Tywin and then heading off to my real job for another 8 hours. If it wasn't for my girlfriend giving me coffee and  supplying me with nutrients I'd probably be dead. 

Developing has been going steady, just worried about the save game function. The player will need to store their highscores/level progress/Unlocked awards etc. I know I can do it, just thinking about it makes me not want to do it =P.

I also need to work on the Restart and Pause button images. 


Tldr: The tedium of the Pause and restart buttons wears heavy on my soul.  

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Endurance check

Developing is getting harder but it was to be expected, the further I go into the process the bigger the problems are to solve. Exciting stuff because I love a good challenge but development is hard and I cant see it getting easier anytime soon. 
The dev. station

It's raining outside at the moment (thank god) my room gets so hot.
The GUI gave me a bit of a head ache, getting the GUI to scale properly was a hurdle. I'm not going to say its done because every time I say that I find a problem and I need to work on it until the wee hours of the morning. I'm lucky because I have a three different android platforms to build and test my game on so I'm finding errors and fixing them for you lovely people.

So my company is up and running and its just me... I wont lie, it fucking sucks. Its a horrible feeling, because I want Tywin to be an awesome game of high quality but the journey to get it there is hard because I'm alone.

It's weird I know, I've never really spoken about my feelings on this blog but hey :P it was going to be a blog about my indie development process and the stress is just one aspect among many.

It's hard to get people to care and it's hard to get people interested and the hardest part is not knowing if you're moving in the right or wrong direction. 

As always thanks for stopping by and on a good note,  planet rotation is smoother, created stage boundaries and GUI buttons scale correctly across different platforms.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Good with the bad

Good news on the company front, by business is registered. Hourglass Entertainment is now open for business.

Bad news, unity build seems to have shat itself, going to have to re-install it. Thank god for version control.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Pause, Resume, Restart, Refined =]

The player no longer jumps off of the planet when you press the pause and restart buttons on the GUI.

I got around the problem by adding a condition that ignores the launch function if the button is pressed and after everything is restarted/resumed it enables the launch function and you're ready to fly again.

Tomorrows Goals: 

  • Points

Zzzz another late night. Take it easy guys and thanks for stopping by. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Feels good man.

Smoother reset

Its 0245 and I'm quiet sleepy.  I was able to get the reset function (upon player death) to be a lot smoother. Had a bit of trouble getting the unprotected planets (red) to change back to their original colors after the player had landed on them, but I solved the problem and can retire to sleep :D!

  • Jerky reset
    • The player returns to their starting position (without re-loading the level). 
    • The player leaves a bright trail back to their starting Pos. 
  • Shaking player
    • Smoother rotation around planet.

  • Vagabond planet cluster(a)
APC (a)

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Talking about the game concept.

Looking coolio

Well I've gotten some of the business side of things sorted but im still trying to finalize the process. Beyond that the game is looking decent! Still have a lot of work ahead of me but each day is one day closer to reaching my goal =]

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Pause, Resume, Restart

Got the Pause/Resume/Restart functions working but with each victory comes a new hurdle ( It wouldn't be life if it wasn't always a god dam challenge ). After clicking the resume button the player imminently launches in the direction of the pause button.

I wanted the player to launch from the planets surface when they lifted their finger from the screen the only problem is it happens when ever they touch the screen including when they've pressed the pause button.

Player flying toward pause button
Please note that the planets dont have any textures, the GUI is messy and this is a game with no polish! Just the bones of a soon to be awesome game :]. I'll be working on the video tomorrow, it should be finished by tomorrow night.